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Workout (Cardio AND Weights)

Running: 8:15am-9:00am

Body Pump: 10:30am-11:30am

When Anna Lee and I were making plans to work out today, I had originally suggested to her that we go for a run and then hit Body Pump together. She thought about it for a bit and then passed on the running and we decided just to do Body Pump.

When I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty good and despite knowing that I was going to Body Pump, I found myself wanting to run as well. I knew that I didn't need to run because I'd done enough (I'd ran 3 times this week already plus did 2 Body Pumps and a Body Flow and was preparing for a thirdy Body Pump) but I wanted too. Really badly. So I threw on my running clothes and promised myself that I would only go out for a short run, and when I got tired, I'd come home. I was out for 45 minutes, and of those 45, I ran 35 minutes without stopping. What's more exciting is that I ran 3.3 miles without stopping which works out to 5.3km. I am SO excited by exceeding my 5km goal and couldn't wait to tell Anna Lee who wasn't overly surprised. She laughed at me and observed that I shouldn't be shocked because she knew that I could do it and it's true, I suppose I know this, but still. I'm very excited.

Goodlife is currently having a summer class promotion (friends of members can buy a package of 10 classes for $20 which is a crazy good deal) so when Anna Lee and I went upstairs for Body Pump I was absolutely shocked by the number of people that had turned out for the class. I counted 22 people in the room, but they were still cramming more people in after I counted - crazy considering that when I go at 7:30 in the morning there's usually maybe 6 or 7 of us. There was lots of energy in the room and while Anna Lee and I couldn't set up next to each other, I could see her in the mirror and was of course impressed by the amounts of weights she chose to put on her bar - it was her first class in over a year but she's been doing weights steadily at the gym - and I have to admit that she SO kicked my ass, especially on the legs track. I didn't begrudge her outlifting me though because she's in great shape and it's the result of her working really hard, but I have to admit that I was VERY jealous when I saw her doing her pushups on her toes rather than her knees, which is how I have to do them.

Renu has mentioned wanting to try Body Pump with me - I was going to invite her to this class but I had a feeling the room would be packed and I didn't want her to be outside her comfort zone but I can't wait to have her join me for BP and anyone else that's interested in picking up one of those summer pkgs. And Anna Lee's allowed to come back even though she does her pushups on her toes :).

* Kill Bill:Vol 1 (2003)

Weighing In

  • Current Body Fat: 24.3%

  • Body Fat Goal: 20.0%

  • Current BMI: 22.5

  • BMI Goal: 21

  • Current Weight: 148lbs

  • Weight Goal: 140lbs

Working Out

  • Monday: Running, 30-45min

  • Tuesday: Body Pump, 1Hr, Running, 30-45min

  • Wednesday: BodyFlow, 1Hr

  • Thursday: Body Pump, 1Hr

  • Friday: Running, 35-45min

  • Saturday: Running, 35-45

  • Sunday: Rest

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