Thursday, June 29, 2006

Workout (Weights)
BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

I had a chat with Instructor B about my frustration with the slow progress in increasing my upper body weights in comparison to my lower body and she pointed out what should have been obvious to me (especially since Tay and I spent Monday afternoon at the Bodies exhibition at Tropicana looking at various cross sections of the human body, which included the various muscle groups) - that the muscles in your legs are considerably larger than the much smaller muscles that make up the muscles in your arms. She pointed to her biceps and triceps and then to her thighs and then asked me if I really thought that I could expect the tiny arm muscles to lift the same amount of weight as the lower.

And I replied no, THAT made sense but that I really wanted my upper body to make as much progress as my lower body has been - and just as fast. Again B was patient with me, explaining that smaller muscles aren't going to progress as fast as big muscles because they just don't have the same strength and power behind them. Her lecture convinced me to give my upperbody muscles a break, and to take it a little easy. So biceps and triceps got off easy. Chest and shoudlers not so much - in fact, after the shoulder track I wanted to puke but as Instructor J has told me, wanting to puke during a workout means you're working EXTRA hard.

Oh yeah, and we did lots of pushups during the shoulder track, and guess what? I'm starting to LIKE pushups - now if only I could do them on my toes instead of just on my knees like I've been doing :).

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekly Workout Summary
Sunday: N/A
Monday: Cardio (Running, Treadmill, 1pm)
Tuesday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am), Running (5:00pm)
Wednesday: Stretch (Body Flow, 12pm), Minor Cardio (9:00pm)

Thursday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am)
Friday: N/A
Saturday: N/A

Total Days Working Out: 4/7

Damn Vegas for interfering with my workout schedule!! ;)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Workout (Weights)
BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

I don't know if I'm hitting the wall, or just burning myself out (with both work and exercise) but Body Pump was ridiculous. I was fine during my lower body tracks but I totally wussed out during chest, biceps and shoulders. I had to take breaks during chest and biceps AND had to lower my weights during shoulders. I felt like a total wuss during class and it didn't make a difference to me that for a lot of the class I had the most weights on my bar (other than Instructor J, who is male and of course would be lifting more than me - the rest of the class was all women). I wonder if maybe I've upped my upper weights too prematurely, but I don't think so, because if I drop back down to a lighter weight then it's not difficult for me - so maybe it's not an entirely bad thing that I'm having to pause during the sets - it just means that I am challenging myself, which is good. I think. But ouch, it was tough - especially when J made us do pushups AFTER we did our bench presses AND he made us do tricep dips AFTER we did the tricep curls. UGH. AND we had to do pushups during shoulders too. Maybe it's no wonder that I wussed out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
The weather was quite nice for most of the day and since I didn't get out for my run in the morning (after working out twice Tuesday AND being at work until 10pm I figured I would sleep in a bit) so Tay and I went out on our bikes after dinner. It definitely wasn't really a cardio workout - we biked to Rogers and back and spend probably 20 minutes in Rogers going through the previously viewed) but it was probably 15 minutes there and 15 minutes back, pedaling most of the way. Doesn't probably count for cardio, but it was nice to get out - even though Tay made me wear my helmet and I felt like a geek biking through Suburbia wearing it ;).

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Workout (Weights & Stretch)

BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

Running: 5pm-5:30pm

Body Pump was tough in some areas and not too tough in others, but I left feeling pretty exhausted (in a good way). I've increased my weight through the chest track and while it's still difficult, it's not as hard when I first increased. I've increased for the squats and lunges track and supposedly, nobody likes those tracks because they're so hard, but I have a much easier time doing those tracks then shoulders, triceps and biceps. Maybe my lower body is a lot stronger than my upper body, or maybe it's just how we're built as females - everyone is always telling me that women's upper body strength is not as strong as their lower body.

I've checked my spreadsheet that I use to track my progress in Body Pump and in some areas I have tripled my weights (squats, lunges) and in other areas I have more than doubled (back & hamstrings, shoulders and chest) but it's those pesky arms (triceps and biceps) where I haven't progressed much. I suppose it's not entirely a bad thing since I don't want big bulky arms anyway, but when the rest of me is progressing and getting stronger, I can't help but get frustrated when another part of me isn't cooperating.

Running - My pal Anna Lee came by work before my meeting last night - she's been wanting to hook up for a run for a while and the evenings where I don't work late I just want to go home, so she suggested that we go one night before one of my meetings started. We had both worked out in the morning with weights (plus AL did 30 minutes on the bike) but the temperature was perfect last night (22 degrees at 5pm) so we threw on our runners and hit the busy streets of Toronto. Neither of us wore a watch and I left my pedometer at home, so we didn't really have any idea how long or how far we ran but when I left work later that night I checked the odometer on the car and did a rought guesstimate of the distance and it looks like covered about 6km, and it would appear that about 5km of that was running. I would say that we were out for about 45 minutes (5 minute warmup and 10 minute cool down) and the only time we stopped during our run was at the traffic lights (well, I stopped, AL ran on the spot). As we were finishing our run AL realized all of a sudden that I don't usually run my 30 minutes all at once (I do (3) 10 minute segments) and she was instantly apologetic but I was ecstatic because I ran for as long as I did and we seemed to find a pretty good pace that suited us both. We even tackled the stairs in behind the skydome, running up BOTH flights. It was a great run, I'm already looking forward to the next time we go out :).

Monday, June 19, 2006

Workout* (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes, .48km
Run: 18 minutes,2.65km
Walk: 9 minutes, .88km
Run: 18 minutes, 2.65km
Cooldown: 10minutes, .82km

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7.48km~

Workout Time: 1pm-2pm


Didn't sleep well last night so opted for an extra hour of sleep instead of getting up to run - planned instead to run on the treadmill on my lunch. Pretty hot outdoors today, so inside the gym was a little warmer than normal, kind of dreaded getting on the treadmill but did so anyway. I still find it much easier to run on the treadmill then outdoors so upped my running to (2) 18 minutes segments - each one worked out to about 2.65km. Hard workout though - my hair was pretty damp by the time I got off the treadmill, always a good sign that I've been working hard.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weekly Workout Summary
Sunday: Cardio (Running/Walking, Biking, 10am)
Monday: Cardio (Running/Walking, 6:30am)
Tuesday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am), Stretch (Yoga, 12pm)
Wednesday: Cardio (Running/Walking, 6:30am)

Thursday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am)
Friday: Cardio (Running/Walking, 9:00am)
Saturday: N/A

Total Days Working Out: 6/7

Took the Saturday off as scheduled and set the alarm for 8am this morning, fully planning on getting up and getting in my run before it warmed up outside - except when I woke up I could feel by how warm it was in the room that I was too late and it was already hot outside. Got up to check the temperature and went right back to bed; it was already 24 degrees, 30 with the humidex and I just didn't have it in me to go out in the heat to run.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: ~130
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 162
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: ~130

Run: 10 minutes, HR: ~169
Cooldown: 5 minutes

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7.75km~

Workout Time: 9:00am-10:00am

Sunny and warm - 20 degrees~?

Sixth day of working out and it was a tough one to get through. Both Tay and I were struggling with the heat and a couple of times I mentioned cutting back on the cardio but we pushed through and completed our hour with all three ten minute segments. Was utterly exhausted by the end however. Ugh.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Workout (Weights)
BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

I can NOT stop eating.

Today, I had a slimfast shake before Body Pump and then after Body Pump I went and got a sausage and egg McMuffin from McDonald's (protein and carbs, right? ;). Then, less than an hour later, I was into the strawberries and pineapple I had brought with me to have during the day. Around 1 I went out with Rebecca to get a sandwhich at the Sandwhich Box (New favorite: roastbeef, portobello mushrooms, jalepeno-havarti cheese and hot mustard) and THEN, at 3:30, one of the staff had leftover pizza and so into the lunch room I went to eat 4 wings, half a slice of pizza and a two-bite brownie. And I've just now finised a Coke Zero.

I also have leftover penne with alfredo sauce for my dinner, AND I told Tay to take the package of bratwurst from the freezer and I would make bratwurst and beer when I get home from my meeting tonight.

It's out of control.

However, I went through the same thing on Tuesday, but Monday and Wednesday not so much. So I'm thinking there's a correlation between Body Pump and what I need to eat and my cardio days where I don't seem to eat quite so much (I'd say half in fact). Or maybe, I eat more often Body Pump days but eat smaller meals and on cardio days I less often but bigger meals?

(And Body Pump KILLED today, except the bicep track because the instructor was like, oh this is a hard track, reduce your weights so I did, and the entire time I was like, um? Not hard at all? So back up I go for biceps next week :).

ALSO - while chatting online with Jody today, she said that her stepson referred to me as skinny today. As in:

[16:15] Jods: He said, (while we were talking about sizes, etc.. 'you and Stacy are the same and Tawny is a bit smaller - she's small'

What a GREAT kid :).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 127
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 135

Run: 10 minutes, HR: 163
Cooldown: 5 minutes

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7.25km~

Workout Time: 6:30am-7:30am

Sunny, but cool - 14 degrees~

I almost didn't get up to run this morning - these 12 hour days with BP before hand are killing me, and all I wanted to do was sleep that extra hour. Before I went to bed I asked Tay if he wanted to get up and come with me because when I went Monday without waking him he seemed quite disappointed (now that he has sneakers, he's eager to get going :). He said to wake him, so the first time my alarm went off (5:30) I asked him and he mumbled a lot. When 6:15 came, I told him I probably wasn't going to go, that I'd go after work or tomorrow on lunch (double up with BP in the morning). Tay somehow convinced me to go though, so by 6:45 we were out hitting the pavement.

I was curious to see how far I've been running during my 10 minutes segments - I haven't been running at my usual speed because I want to keep my heartrate in it's optimal zone, but this morning I tracked each segment with my pedometer and it would appear that I'm very consistent with my pace - each 10 minute segment came in at 1.5km (1.48 to be accurate). I don't know if being able to keep a steady, consisten pace is good or not, or if I should be pushing myself during one or two of the segments and recovering during another. I'm sure a steady consistent pace is good for long distance running which brings me to my thoughts on running a marathon next year.

After checking out the Mississauga Marathon dates for 2007, I did some research online regarding training for a marathon and found the following site (, which has LOTS of useful information, including two different training programs. The first program is designed to get you running an average of 25 miles (or 40km) a week (total). Once you're at that point, you can begin the actual training for your marathon, which is the second program.

The first program is the Mileage Build-Up portion where you build your base, and takes about 19 weeks. To start this program, you need to be able to run between 5km & 6.5km four times per week.

The second program is the Marathon Training Schedule portion where you actually train for the marathon and start doing long runs one day a week that vary anywhere from 10-23 miles (23-37km). This program is pretty intensive - I expect some of those long runs are pretty brutal at the beginning, and this training program takes 18 weeks, with the 18th week being the week you run the marathon.

All told, it's about 37 weeks of intense, dedicated training - 9 months of training for an event that will last less than 4 or 5 hours.

I'm thinking I want to do it.

I plotted the training schedules on a spreadsheet yesterday, using the Mississauga Marathon as a target date which means that I have to be ready to begin the Mileage Build-Up progam the week of August 27th. Following that program, I would be starting the Marathon Training Schedule the week of January 7, 2007.

This means I have until the end of August to get myself up to running between 5km & 6.5km four times a week. Right nowI'm averaging 4.5 km but in 3 segments, so over the next three months I need to build up my running times so that I'm running longer and farther. I've no doubt that by the end of the summer I can get to those target runs.

One thing I have to consider though is that my jaw surgery is happening in early October, so I need to consider how much time I will have to take off to recover, and if that means I need to start the Mileage BuildUp program sooner than August 27th - maybe 2 weeks recovery time, so maybe I need to plan to begin the program by August 13th? Which gives me about 2 months to get up to speed. It can definitely be done.

I'm excited. It eases my disappointment about not having a duathlon available to me in the fall, and a marathon is something that I've never, ever thought I would consider much less attempt but in the last few months I'd been thinking about it and then promising myself that I would do that for my 35th birthday. But whatever, why wait? My body is stronger and in better shape now then it will probably be in 4 years, so I should use it to my advantage and just do it.

Yeah... I think I will :).

Anyone want to join me? :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Workout (Weights & Stretch)

BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

Yoga: 12:10pm-1:00pm


I've been wanting to increase my weights in Body Pump and while I knew I wasn't ready to increase all of them, I did for lower body as well as the chest track. Prior to today, I was doing 30.8lbs during squats and lunges, today, I threw on an extra Kg which brought my weight up to 33lbs. During the chest track, I added 2Kgs to my bar, which brought my weight up to 20lbs, and it HURT. I struggled with the track, had a bit of a hard time keeping up, but where I needed to I rested and it seemed to help. They're always saying in Body Pump to not be scared to challenge yourself which is the reason I increased, but I didn't anticipate that it would be so hard.

Yoga is going to feel REALLY good when I go at lunch time.

And yeah..I'm an idiot. Got the dates confused on that duathlon that I was thinking about doing in October. The day was correct, as was the month, but got the year wrong. Yup - 2005, not 2006. Idiot! :) It's back to the drawing board - I could do the same duathlon that I did last year (The women's Weight Watchers event) but it's on my birthday, and I think this year I'd rather be celebrating then going to bed early - plus, Tay has hesitantly been entertaining duathlon talks with me, so that prevents him from trying. I'm going to check the HSBC site again but I'm worried that there wouldn't be enough training time for an event in August.

Hrmm..I just found a duathlon in Alliston mid-September but then Tay pointed out that it's the last weekend of TIFF - we're cutting back on TIFF a bit this year (ie. not taking the week off work) but we're still going to try and go evenings and weekends. Hrmm. Maybe no duathlon this year - maybe I'll just continue with my running and train for the Mississauga Marathon next May??

Monday, June 12, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes, HR: 120
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 152
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 126
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 135
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 140
Cooldown: 5 minutes, HR: 120

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7.25km~

Workout Time: 6:30am-7:30am


I don't know if it's because I ate so much on the weekend, or if it's two days of cardio in a row, but for some reason, I am STARVING today. I just finished my lunch (a chicken fajita, leftover from dinner last night) and all I can think about is the guacamole I've packed for my afternoon snack. I'm drinking lots of water, hoping it will curb the hunger, but so far, no luck. I'm guessing that my morning snack of watermelon was not filling enough, so now that the watermelon is gone, I need to rethink my morning snack (I bought pineapple and strawberries yesterday for my fruit for the week). Tuesdays and Thursdays are Body Pump so I always try and pack protein for my morning snack and I stocked up on a lot of cheese at the grocery store as well. Not craving sweets so much anymore as I am meat and cheese, which is good, but still.. I don't know how I'm going to get through the end of today with just the guacamole. (Though...I DO have some popcorn in my desk so..maybe guac now and popcorn later :).

Tay bought some runners on the weekend, which is exciting because it means he's serious about wanting to run with me. So far, we've designated Sundays and Wednesdays as our days to run together - and we're incorporating finishing our run with a bike ride as well so if I decide to do the duathalon in October, that will help (Tay's I think considering it, and I think now Caius is too). I went out this morning alone and debated increasing my running intervals (3 12 minutes rather than 3 10 minutes), but I decided to hold off another week and see if Tay might be ready to increase with me. Of course, on Sundays and Wednesdays we can still do 3x10 but maybe Mondays (and possibly Fridays - Step is under review ;) I can do 3x12. 3x12 would mean the following:

5 minute warmup
12 minute run
7 minute walk
12 minute run
7 minute walk
12 minute run
5 minute cooldown

Shouldn't be a problem :).

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Weekly Workout Summary
Sunday: Cardio (Running/Walking, Biking, 10am)
Monday: Cardio (Running/Walking, 6:30am)
Tuesday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am), Stretch (Yoga, 12pm)
Wednesday: Cardio (6:30am), Stretch (Body Flow, 1:15pm)
Thursday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am)
Friday: N/A
Saturday: N/A

Total Days Working Out: 5/7

Lost no pounds this week - in fact, think I probably gained two pounds but I can't really complain since I spent early Friday evening in the whirlpool drinking copious amounts of bright blue raspberry martinis, ate a very late dinner at the Keg (10pm is a little late for mushrooms stuffed with crab and cream cheese, ceasar salad, prime rib and a rather large strawberry daquiri) and then spent Saturday afternoon at five different wineries sampling a couple of ounces of wine at each place. It's amazing that I don't weigh more after the weekend I had :). I was very much looking forward to running this morning (food guilt is a great motivator) and am looking forward to getting out tomorrow.

Good news? I bought a couple of tops on Thursday and they were all size Medium. I haven't worn a size Medium top in quite a long time. I've decreased in size in most areas of my body, I'm hoping that my chest is next - I would love to drop a size through there. Just like in school, a C would be so much better than a D :).

Workout (Cardio)

Warmup: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes, ~ 151
Walk: 10 minutes ~120
Run: 10 minutes, HR ~159

Distance: 4.5km ~

Biking: 20 minutes, HR ~145
Cool Down: 5 minutes

Total Cardio: 60min

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Workout (Weights & Stretch)

BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

Tracked my heart rate in Body Pump - it's staying between 135 and 145, depending on the track and the muscle group. Higher during lower body I think, and drops a bit during upper body.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Workout (Cardio & Stretch)

BodyFlow: 1 Hr, 1:15pm-2:15pm

Warmup: 5 minutes, HR: 120 (Avg)
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 135 (Avg)
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 163
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 135 (Avg)
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 153
Cooldown: 5 minutes, HR: 120 (Avg)

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7.5 km~

Workout Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm~

Sunny & warm but with a nice breeze, 24 degrees approximately?

I actually got to leave work early today and Tay joined me for my cardio - he was a little sore after coming out with me on Sunday but he was up for it yesterday so off we went. On Sunday, we did 2 10 minute running segments (intervaled with walking) and then biked; today we did my normal cardio routine which is 3 10 minute running segments. Poor Tay, it was a little hard on him, he still doesn't have proper runners, nor has he had much experience with running, whereas I've been working on my running for the past year and a half - not to mention that I take pretty short strides when I run, so it was challenging for him to match my stride. He made it though, through the entire hour, all 3 segments, and kept his heart rate in a good range. I'm quite proud of him and very excited that I've had a running partner two times this weelk :).

Managed to keep my heart rate down for the most part during the run - it did peak during my second running segment at 163, but I managed to bring it down for the remainder, so I was pleased about that.

My jaw surgery isn't till October now, so I have been giving some thought to duathalons - there's one in September (my birthday) and another in October so I might decide to do them. Going to think a bit more though, and probably blog about it more extensively one of these days. But the thought of training? Ugh :).

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Workout (Weights & Stretch)

BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

Yoga: 12:10pm-1:00pm

In Body Pump today, Instructor B commented on my form during the lunge track - said I was looking great. Keeping good form during lunges can be difficult, particularily when you're balancing 30lbs of weight on your shoulders. I have to seriously focus on a spot on the floor in front of me while I'm doing my lunges because if I don't, my concentration is off and I wobble a bit. But there I was focusing, and sweating, and lunging and B told me I looked great. She also was really chatty with me in the changing room after class, chiming in on the conversation that I was having Rebecca and then, as we were all getting ready to leave, she mentioned that we should go for drinks one night so she could see my photos from Europe. Laura told me once to make nice with your BP instructor because then you start to get preferential treatment - I guess they start keeping an eye on you, making sure your form is correct, that you're increasing your weights appropriately, etc. I guess going for drinks is considered making nice :).

Monday, June 05, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes, HR: 120
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 151
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 120-135~
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 151
Walk: 10 minutes, HR: 135 ~
Run: 10 minutes, HR: 145
Cooldown: 5 minutes, HR: 120-135~

Total Cardio Workout: 60 minutes

Distance : 7km~

Workout Time: 7:00am-8:00am

Cloudy, cool, 15-20 degrees approximately

Heart Rate
Had an easier time keeping my heart rate down. Not sure if it was the weather (less humidity, less heat) or if it was because Charlotte was too lazy to come on my run with me (meaning, ipod needed charging) so I was forced to drag my old MP3 player out with me. I've been spoiled by Charlotte, Lloyd is a dinosaur - it's a RCA Lyra, bought for me by Tay probably 5+ years ago when MP3 players were still a new thing (the player cost a LOT, I had to bribe him with 5 years of driveway snow shovelling to get it -- which, I of course, never really honored :P.) Anyway, I had last loaded up Lloyd back around Christmas when Charlotte went to Vegas with Tay and Lloyd came to Halifax with me. The tricky thing was compiling a good mix in 30 songs or less - I needed plane music, gym music, music for if my family were driving me crazy and I just wanted to plug my ears ;). Anyhow, there was a lot of Esthero on there which was surprisingly soothing to run too and quite possibly a factor in helping to keep my heart rate down. And the old-day Michael Jackson stuff was good for the walking segments as it helped keep my heart rate from dropping too low. Regardless, it was a good workout, successful in regards to staying in my reccommended zone :).

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weekly Workout Summary
Sunday: Body Pump (am), Body Flow (am)
Monday: Cardio (Running/Walking, 6:30am)
Tuesday: Stretch (Yoga 12pm)
Wednesday: Cardio(6:30am), Stretch (Body Flow, 1:15pm)
Thursday: Weights (Body Pump, 7:30am)
Friday: Cardio (Step class, 12:10pm)
Saturday: N/A

Total Days Working Out: 6/7 (If you include Tuesday's Yoga, otherwise, 5/7).

Lbs Lost?

Workout (Cardio)
Warmup: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes, ~ 159
Walk: 10 minutes ~120
Run: 10 minutes, HR ~173
Walk: 5 minutes

Distance: 4.5km ~

Biking: 20 minutes, HR ~145

Total Cardio: 60min

Took Saturday off from working out - it was rainy and cold and so slept most of the day either curled up in bed or on the couch. Sunday morning I got up to go out for my run and Tay decided to join me - we compromised since he's not a runner, and did 40 minutes of my walking/running routine and then went out for 20 minutes or so on our bikes. I've never been a strong biker, even during my duathalon last summer I just winged it, but it was good to be out riding with Tay and have him explain to me about the different gears, and when I should be shifting up or down.

My original plan was to do 4 days of cardio and 3 days of Body Pump, but I think I need to eliminate one of the Body Pumps until I get used to all this cardio - so I'm skipping Body Pump on Sundays but will still do yoga so that I get a second day of yoga in there.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Workout (Cardio)
Body Step - 12:10pm-1:10pm

I still hate step, but I sweat to the point where my hair and clothes are soaking, so...I guess it's worth it.

But still..Ugh :).

Having a Personal Trainer at Work Could Have Its Perks
After Body Step, Rebecca and I returned to work, weary and sore, and as we were defiantly and rebelliously standing waiting for the elevator, Ted came out of the daycare and greeted us enthusiastically, for he knew that we had gone to class and he's all about motivating people to exercise. Until he heard the elevator doors slide open, and saw us begin to move towards the elevator. He ran across the lobby, yelling that we were not taking the elevator and I insisted that I was and hurtled myself in. I could hear him coming from inside the elevator, telling another staff to not let the doors close and then, just as the doors began to slide shut, he threw himself in, demanding that I get out of the elevator. I refused, latching onto the railing but that didn't work, he simply peeled my fingers free and dragged me (almost kicking and screaming) from the elevator and then marched me up the stairs.

For those that are wondering, it's 1.5 flights of stairs ;).

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Workout (Weights)
BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am

I upped my weights back to where I was pre-Europe (except for lunges, by the end of the class I was feeling pretty worn out so I stuck with 12kg rather than the 14kg I did during the squat track) and I don't know if it was the weights, or the climate in the room, or if we were just doing a really hard release, but by the end of the squat track, I was dripping sweat. And there's something oddly rewarding about looking down at the hardwood floor and knowing that the drops of water around you is sweat. It's an accomplishment of sorts :).

Noticing a definite change in my body as well - seeing a lot more definition then ever before, particularily through my shoulders and through my stomach. I remember before when I would do crunches and I'd be dismayed by the way my stomach would pouch as I did them, and now, when I'm crunching, that pouch is no longer there. Still far off from ever wearing a bikini, but there's definitely less stomach and I'm quite liking the flatness beneath my pants lately :).

* Kill Bill:Vol 1 (2003)

Weighing In

  • Current Body Fat: 24.3%

  • Body Fat Goal: 20.0%

  • Current BMI: 22.5

  • BMI Goal: 21

  • Current Weight: 148lbs

  • Weight Goal: 140lbs

Working Out

  • Monday: Running, 30-45min

  • Tuesday: Body Pump, 1Hr, Running, 30-45min

  • Wednesday: BodyFlow, 1Hr

  • Thursday: Body Pump, 1Hr

  • Friday: Running, 35-45min

  • Saturday: Running, 35-45

  • Sunday: Rest

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