Workout (Weights & Cardio)
BodyPump: 7:30am-8:30am
Running: 5pm-6pm
Body Pump was good today - I'm adjusting to the extra weight during my tracks and think that by the time the new release is out (in a couple of weeks) I might be ready to increase again. At least for the leg tracks. I love the new releases because it's all new moves and it mixes things up, and you work your muscle groups in different ways.
I've been having a bit of trouble with triceps - with the presses and our curls - the key is to keep your elbows in as much as possible so that you're isolating your triceps but it's hard, and sometimes, my elbows will start to creep wider apart than they should. I brought one of those circular rubber resistance bands to class and slipped it around my wrists while I did my triceps - it certainly helped to keep my wrists in the proper position so I'm going to keep using it until I don't need it anymore to maintain good form. I think next class though I'm going to slip it around my elbows because that might be more beneficial.
When I was in the locker room later that day (after my run with AL, see below) I overheard a couple of girls talking about their workout routines and the different classes they take. One girl mentioned that she LOVES bodyflow and that she's tried Body Pump, but that it's just too "intense".
Intense. Really? ;).
Running - I was CONVINCED we were crazy when we went out for our run because it was extremely hot and extremely humid, but I have to come to terms with the fact that I have hooked up with a running buddy that is borderline crazy, so enough said, and off we went :). We did the same route as last time, and I called it quits at 32 minutes (AFTER running up both sets of stairs in behind skydome). I checked my pedometer at the 32 minute mark and we had done 2.90 miles which works out to about 4.67km which is about the same as what we had done Saturday - sure it took us a minute longer, but downtown running is much different in that you have to a) run around people and b) deal with constant traffic lights so considering these factors (and the heat) I think we were probably faster than when we ran on Saturday. All told we were out for about 45 minutes and did almost 6.5 km - I hope next time we go out we can stay out longer and go farther! I'm loving it!
(And nobody reads this, but in case you're curious about AL, her blog is here.)
Running: 5pm-6pm
Body Pump was good today - I'm adjusting to the extra weight during my tracks and think that by the time the new release is out (in a couple of weeks) I might be ready to increase again. At least for the leg tracks. I love the new releases because it's all new moves and it mixes things up, and you work your muscle groups in different ways.
I've been having a bit of trouble with triceps - with the presses and our curls - the key is to keep your elbows in as much as possible so that you're isolating your triceps but it's hard, and sometimes, my elbows will start to creep wider apart than they should. I brought one of those circular rubber resistance bands to class and slipped it around my wrists while I did my triceps - it certainly helped to keep my wrists in the proper position so I'm going to keep using it until I don't need it anymore to maintain good form. I think next class though I'm going to slip it around my elbows because that might be more beneficial.
When I was in the locker room later that day (after my run with AL, see below) I overheard a couple of girls talking about their workout routines and the different classes they take. One girl mentioned that she LOVES bodyflow and that she's tried Body Pump, but that it's just too "intense".
Intense. Really? ;).
Running - I was CONVINCED we were crazy when we went out for our run because it was extremely hot and extremely humid, but I have to come to terms with the fact that I have hooked up with a running buddy that is borderline crazy, so enough said, and off we went :). We did the same route as last time, and I called it quits at 32 minutes (AFTER running up both sets of stairs in behind skydome). I checked my pedometer at the 32 minute mark and we had done 2.90 miles which works out to about 4.67km which is about the same as what we had done Saturday - sure it took us a minute longer, but downtown running is much different in that you have to a) run around people and b) deal with constant traffic lights so considering these factors (and the heat) I think we were probably faster than when we ran on Saturday. All told we were out for about 45 minutes and did almost 6.5 km - I hope next time we go out we can stay out longer and go farther! I'm loving it!
(And nobody reads this, but in case you're curious about AL, her blog is here.)
Hey, I'm not crazy:) Although, even I was practically ready to vomit after that run on Tuesday!
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Anonymous |
3:37 PM
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