My PLAN was to go for a run with Tay after dinner but my throat/chest had been bothering me all day - I've developed this really dry cough and my throat is scratchy and there were moments during my meeting yesterday where I found it hard to breathe - I wondered if it was the air quality in the building I was in, and I did find it easier to breathe once I got back outside but I'm still coughing and my throat is still sore, so instead of going out for a run at 9 I decide instead to pack my food for the next day, update my fitday journal and get to bed early. I was in bed just after 10 - which is unusual for me during the work week.
Plan instead was to get up at 6:30 and get to the gym for a run before work, but decided that if my throat was still bothering me I wouldn't go - I've read before that you can run if you're congested or simply have a headcold because the running will help loosen all that icky stuff up but that you should be careful about running with a sore throat. Hope it goes away soon.
Calorie Intake: 2119
Calories Burned: 0
Calorie Net: 2119
Plan instead was to get up at 6:30 and get to the gym for a run before work, but decided that if my throat was still bothering me I wouldn't go - I've read before that you can run if you're congested or simply have a headcold because the running will help loosen all that icky stuff up but that you should be careful about running with a sore throat. Hope it goes away soon.
Calorie Intake: 2119
Calories Burned: 0
Calorie Net: 2119
I think you are maybe being a bit harsh in saying you did not burn any calories. Just b/c you didn't run or do BP, you should still be counting other activity you may do during the day. Maybe you went on a walk down Queen West for 30-45 minutes on your lunch. Then there are those damn stairs at your work place to contend with all day, every day. When I miss my AM workout and/or run I do try to incorporate walking into my day time schedule. Something to consider if you're not already doing this...if you are, you should be counting this too:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:12 PM
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