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Workout (Weights And Cardio)

Body Pump: 7:30am-8:30am
Running: 6:15pm-7:45pm

I was too distracted chatting away with Anna Lee this evening to keep track of our progress but I do know that in the first 15 minutes that we ran, we covered a distance of 1.4 miles, which works out to about 2.26km. It would appear that my pace has definitely improved, despite my feeling a little sore this evening (running last night and BP this morning was a lot on top of my run tonight) and the humidity was up there (+30) so I was impressed that we did so well despite the less then optimal conditions. What impressed me more was the distance we covered - we went down through High Park until we came out at the bottom and I was floored to realize we were on the Queensway. We cut down Colborne Lodge Road to the lake and for the first time ever, we ran along the lake front before cutting back up to Queen and then up Lansdowne. Heather pointed me in the direction of Gmaps Pedometer which is utterly cool and our route is marked out here. We clearly lost track of time while running and chatting and we walked more then I would have liked but I was enjoying both the company and the scenery so I'm focusing less on how much mileage I ran and more on the fact that it was an hour and a half of cardio on a really hot night when I was already tired to begin. If I had to guess, I would say that we ran for at LEAST 45 minutes if not more - maybe an hour of the hour and a half. According to Gmaps we did 5.7 miles (~9.2km) and my pedometer recorded us at 5.85miles so it's pretty close (I was questioning the accuracy of my pedometer).

Definitely a good run - and now that I know about Gmaps, I can start tracking all my runs - this is going to be very cool :).

* Kill Bill:Vol 1 (2003)

Weighing In

  • Current Body Fat: 24.3%

  • Body Fat Goal: 20.0%

  • Current BMI: 22.5

  • BMI Goal: 21

  • Current Weight: 148lbs

  • Weight Goal: 140lbs

Working Out

  • Monday: Running, 30-45min

  • Tuesday: Body Pump, 1Hr, Running, 30-45min

  • Wednesday: BodyFlow, 1Hr

  • Thursday: Body Pump, 1Hr

  • Friday: Running, 35-45min

  • Saturday: Running, 35-45

  • Sunday: Rest

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